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AITSP™ - Association of Indian Technology Sales Professionals


  • 01 Aug

People Corner

Tanmay Dubey

Tanmay Dubey

Senior Partner Development Manager, Amazon Web Services


Please share your professional background, current role, and relevant experience.


Answer: I have a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering and master’s degree in business administration and for over 22 years now I have worked in MNCs like HCL, HP, Oracle, DELL in various Direct Sales and pseudo Sales roles like Product Manager and Market development specialist. Currently I am working for Amazon Web Services who are the world wide leaders in cloud computing services as a partner development manager managing channel and alliances 


What led you to pursue a career in sales?


Answer: I didn’t choose sales, sales chose me. I am an accidental sales person. Since my school days, I was good at public speaking and by the time I reached my sophomore years I realised I was good at managing men than machines, hence I decided to join marketing post finishing my graduation; but as I have authored in my self-help book “DNA of a Champion Sales Person”  Less than 2% of  students dream to become a Sales Person or want to choose a sales profession, yet to get success in more than 95% of jobs it boils down to how well you are able to SELL, Be it a product or a service ( medical / lawyer etc.) so when I got selected in a MNC Company during campus recruitment drive, I thought I was joining marketing department but realised later that without understanding sales you won’t be able to be successful as a marketer. So it was my survival stint that made me do well in sales and now I enjoy doing it and as you know have written a book on it! 


How have you adapted to the evolving technology landscape in sales?



Answer: I have always maintained an attitude of learning in my life. Be it reading numerous self-help books - taking Video courses on Sales/ Technology or joining professional courses from IITs or IIMs. I have kept me updated on the changing technological landscapes for the last 22 years. A certain skill set can only take you to a certain level and if you are not learning you are decaying. Such is the nature of the modern technological landscape that to be relevant in the job market, one has to keep learning and ensure not getting caught in a comfort zone or “I know it all” mind-set. “Keep challenging status quo” is my success mantra. 


How do you maintain work-life balance in the high-pressure environment of sales?


Answer: Create Goals and follow a plan to get them. If you don’t have a goal in life then you are wondering around like a headless chicken! I always create big long term professional and personal goals and then I break them into smaller achievable quarterly / monthly and daily goals and then. I prioritise the activities that bring me closer to my goals. I have a daily calendar (which is a subset of my plan ( personal- Professional) and I follow that. I don’t necessarily take work to home after 6:30PM or start my day before 9:30are unless absolutely urgent and critical. I don’t mix family time with my exercise time and have separate slots for each activity and I ensure I remain ruthlessly honest about it. The golden rule that works for me is : I prioritise to do that activity first which will take my business closer to the dollar/ personal goal. 


What is your top advice for aspiring tech sales professionals?


Answer: I have a super successful mantra and I will share it with you it is 4C = S 


1st C: Clarity of mind: Understand the WHY behind your actions. Why are you in a tech sales role? Do you enjoy doing it or is simply following somebody’s footsteps or advice? Unless you enjoy the work you are doing you won’t be successful.

2nd C: Commitment: What is the level of your commitment to the job? Are you just floating in the corporate structure or are you really committed in growing / learning following your goals. 

3rd C: Consistency: Once you have clarity and commitment on your goals then, are you taking consistent action to achieve them? One step at a time, every step daily will take you closer to your goal. 

4th C: Coaching - Camaraderie : It’s about Hindi word Satsang. What kind of people you are hanging around with? Do you have a coach or a mentor who can help you achieve your fitness / professional goals. How invested are you in that coach? Nothing in this world comes for free.  

A good coach can not only customize his teachings for your growth but will also help you connect with community of like-minded people who will help you grow. If you want to work on your health join community of healthy people and likewise.


Lastly, what book would you recommend to our tech sales community and why?


Answer: While there are many books that inspired me and got my attention but I would like to recommend “DNA of a Champion Sales Person” By P Raghuraman and Tanmay Dubey to all the tech community readers. Because it offers a great process to be successful in any sales job and we have written it from our own personal experiences. 
