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AITSP™ - Association of Indian Technology Sales Professionals



Welcome to the Events Section of the Association of Indian Technology Sales Professionals (AITSP). Our events are designed to empower, educate, and connect technology sales professionals across India. Whether you’re looking to expand your knowledge, network with industry leaders, or celebrate the achievements of your peers, AITSP’s events offer something for everyone.

Our Event Types

  1. Conferences: Our conferences bring together technology sales professionals from various sectors to share insights, discuss trends, and explore innovative strategies. These events feature keynote speakers, panel discussions, and interactive workshops led by industry experts. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge, network with peers, and collaborate on solutions to common challenges in the tech sales industry.

  2. Webinars: AITSP's webinars provide a convenient and accessible way to stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in technology sales. These virtual events cover a wide range of topics, from advanced sales techniques and customer relationship management to the impact of emerging technologies on sales strategies. Our webinars are designed to fit into your busy schedule, allowing you to learn from the comfort of your own home or office.

  3. Meetups:Our meetups are informal gatherings that offer a relaxed environment for technology sales professionals to connect, share experiences, and build relationships. These events are held regularly in various cities across the country, providing opportunities for local networking and community building. Meetups often feature guest speakers, roundtable discussions, and opportunities for members to showcase their own experiences and success stories.

  4. National Technology Sales Conference:The highlight of our event calendar is the annual National Technology Sales Conference. This large-scale event attracts technology sales professionals from all over the country for two days of intensive learning, networking, and inspiration. The conference includes keynote presentations by industry leaders, breakout sessions on specialized topics, panel discussions with experts, and interactive workshops. It's an unparalleled opportunity to stay at the forefront of the industry, discover new strategies, and connect with the best in the business.

  5. National Technology Sales Awards:Coinciding with our annual conference, the National Technology Sales Awards event celebrates the outstanding achievements of individuals and organizations in the technology sales sector. These prestigious awards recognize excellence in various categories, including Salesperson of the Year, Sales Team of the Year, Innovation in Sales, and Lifetime Achievement. The awards ceremony is a night of celebration, honoring the hard work, dedication, and success of the top performers in our industry.

For more information about our events and how to participate, please contact us.

Why Attend AITSP Events?

Our events are crafted to provide maximum value to our members. By participating, you will:

  • Gain cutting-edge knowledge and insights from industry leaders and experts.
  • Expand your professional network and build meaningful connections.
  • Enhance your skills through interactive and practical learning sessions.
  • Celebrate achievements and gain recognition for your contributions to the industry.
  • Stay motivated and inspired to excel in your technology sales career.

Join Us

Explore our events calendar to find upcoming conferences, webinars, meetups, and our signature annual conference and awards ceremony. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out in the tech sales field, AITSP's events offer valuable opportunities to grow, connect, and succeed.

Stay connected and be part of the vibrant community of technology sales professionals driving excellence and innovation across India. We look forward to seeing you at our next event!