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AITSP™ - Association of Indian Technology Sales Professionals




AITSP™ is India's first and only professional association for technology sales professionals. AITSP™ promotes learning and development, professional recognition, exclusive events access, community outreach activities via its membership program. Whether someone is looking to choose sales as a career or already a leader in the industry, there is a path for everyone via its structured membership journey.

While AITSP™ recognises every member's educational qualifications, knowledge and experience; we also understand the importance of professional recognition via nationalised standard of professional certification. This level of recognition not only brings in credibility of sales as a profession but also ensures that every member who earns the certification from AITSP™ is recognised and treated with respect for their commitment to the profession and continuous learning.

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AITSP™ Certified Technology Sales Executive - CTSE®
AITSP™ Certified Technology Sales Professional - CTSP®
AITSP™ Certified Technology Sales Leader - CTSL®
AITSP™ Certified Technology Sales Trainer - CTST®